Energy Pellets Moerdijk B.V.


Sustainable with residual wood

We are producing different kind of environmentally friendly products from wood, wood shavings and sawdust in Europe. Our company has transport facilities to transport by vessel, train and truck.

Fire logs

A fire log is produced from sawdust and paraffin/was, has a weight of approx. 600g till 1,3kg and is suitable for open fire places as well as stoves of > 5KW. Just light the wrapper on both ends for a convenient fire of approx. 60 minutes till approx. 2,5 hour

Supplier Firelighters

Brown environmentally friendly, produced from sawdust and paraffin/wax and white firelighters mostly produced with kerosene, are suitable for starting a fire and BBQ.

Wood pellets bagged

Wood pellets are produced from sawdust residues, are DINplus- and/or ENplusA1 certified and suitable for use in pellet-stoves and pellet-boilers. Available in bags of 10kg or 15kg, also by ordering per pallet online at for delivery in the Netherlands

Wood pellets bulk

Wood pellets are produced from sawdust, industrial Better Biomass certified for sustainability (SDE++ valid) or DINplus and/or ENplusA1 certified suitable for large consumption. Delivering in bulk per vessel or truck. Also in BigBags available. 

Supplier Wood chips

We collect unbroken A-wood for the production of woodchips, Better Biomass certified for sustainability, recognized by the EU. These woodchips are used for creating heat on a sustainable way. 

Sawdust and woodshavings

Woodresidues are collected from the sawmill industry by our transport company Houtvezel Moerdijk B.V.. Therefore we use special equipment to collect just in time. These raw material we use for the production of wood pellets and fire logs.

Heat and power plant

Our 4.9 MW heat plant in the Lier provides approximately 20ha. greenhouse horticulture of sustainable heat.

Tank Storage

Tank Storage Moerdijk B.V. takes care of the storage of kerosene types and waxes for use in e.g. fire blocks and firelighters. TSM also leases tanks to third parties for the storage of vegetable and animal minerals as well as biodiesel.

Cat Litter wood pellets

Wood pellets are produced from recycled A-wood, clean wood residues, suitable as animal bedding for cats and rodents. On request we can deliver Catlitter FSC® certified.

Biobased raw materials with a green character, can be used responsibly and sustainably in small and large installations. 

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